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Official Bookstore of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Inclusive Access FAQ

How to Access your eText offline

How to Access your eText during and after you finish the course

What is Inclusive Access?

How do I get my required course materials through the Inclusive Access Program?

How much does Inclusive Access cost?

What does it mean to opt-out?

How do I opt-out?

I dropped the course. Do I still need to opt-out?

I did not opt-out, but did not register my access or use the online platform. Will I have to pay?

I forgot to opt-out and missed the deadline. Can I get a refund now?

I opted out by mistake and realized that I still need my access. Can I opt back in?

I didn't get an email about my course, but other students in my class did. Was I sent an email?

How do I pay for my access?

Can I purchase a print copy of my eText?

I have further questions that were not addressed. Who do I contact?

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